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Why is Prayer Important?

Reason #1
Prayer brings us closer to God

At its core, praying is simply a conversation. Think about your own earthly connections with family and friends. Great communication leads to strong relationships.  

Reason #2 
When we pray we gain perspective

When we pray, we bring our circumstances before the only one that can truly help us.  God knows everything, therefore there is no-one more qualified in our time of need to provide a solution. 

Reason #3
It’s the example Jesus set

Prayer is important because it is a source of strength, wisdom, and guidance.  Jesus prayed and encouraged us to pray.  The life of an effective Christian starts with prayer.

Scriptures to consider how Jesus showed us that prayer is important.

Reason #4
why is prayer important – It works

God hears us when we pray.  Not only does He hear us, but from His infinite wisdom intercedes in our lives.  We may not always understand what is going on right away, but God is faithful to answer, strengthen, and protect us.  Trust Him.  He promises to be attentive to our needs in His Word, most certainly to those who seek Him in prayer.  When you start seeking God you understand that He will provide a way no matter how difficult the circumstance.

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